Change ID Login Password
Q: How i can submit issue about Change ID Login Password on self-service center BIGMUMBAI?
A: To submit Change ID Login Password on self-service center BIGMUMBAI, please follow this step
1. You need to use this link
2. After you enter the link then close the notification
3. Select issue and choose Change ID Login Password
4. Fill your BIGMUMBAI ID account
5. Fill register phone number
6. Attach photo selfie holding passbook bank
7. Attach photo selfie holding identity card
8. Fill new password (min 8 character with big-small letter and number)
9. Press submit issue button


Q: How do i check my status issue Change ID Login Password on self-service center BIGMUMBAI?
A: You can check the status issue by pressing the Check Issue status then fill your BIGMUMBAI ID account and select the Change ID Login Password lastly click to search and it will showing the status of your issue

Q: I already checking and the status in here already success and there is a notes Pass - Success "Change Password Successful! New Password: ***" what is that mean ?
A: For that mean BIGMUMBAI account department already success to modify the password on your account and you can try to login again using new password

Q: What about with status reject i need to know if my Change ID Login Password issue get reject by BIGMUMBAI account department?
A: Okay rest assured we will help to explain to you there is few notes rejection you need to know we will give explanation on this below:
1. Reject "Hello, the information you submitted is incorrect": this mean the requirement and data provided is incorrect you must provide all requirement exact following what needed